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Invest With Us

BY INVITATION ONLY GreenPacific Invest LLC offers the following options to invest with us.

Listed Securities
Through listed securities GreenPacifc Invest offers a liquid investment which is asset backed to Qualified and institutional investors.

Private placement
We offer our investors tailor made solutions with various risk profiles into asset backed investments.

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About GreenPacific Invest LLC

GreenPacific Invest LLC is an independent and privately owned investment firm, that offers qualified and institutional investors an opportunity to invest in asset-backed investments with a fixed return and tenor.

Our main focus is asset-backed investments within the commercial shipping space.

Typically GreenPacific Invest LLC will purchase one or more vessels that will be leased to a reputed shipping company for a period of 3-5 years. At the end of the leasing period GreenPacific Invest LLC, will exit the investment via a pre-agreed purchase obligation with the Lessee.

GreenPacifc invest LLC have an experienced management team that are dedicated to look after the interest of the investors. The management of our funds is done in-house to ensure full control and that all securities and governances are tested timely and in place at all times.

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Request to Invest

By submitting your information you hereby confirm that you are either an institutional investor, qualified private investor or US accredited investor.

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